onsdag 2. oktober 2013

Time goes by so quikly

Its Oktober...!!!! and its getting warmer and warmer

Everyday something new happens at the children home, a big home like this with 35 children needs attention 24/7. Some days we are exhausted but most of the days are quite happy:)

We as a family are trying to adjust to our new life here in Paraguay.
We are trying to manage spanish without our translator(Miriam...we miss you so much...) and trying to find a rythm in our daily life.
this morning I woke up at 4:30 to take one of the girls to the doctor. We had to stand in lines for many hours just to take a blood test. That is just the way it is on a publick hospital in Paraguay. If you are fortunate enough to be able to pay for private hospitals, its another story. You will get wonderful service at any hour of day.
Our children home does not have foundings to go to private hospitals with the kids, so we have to show patience and be willing to stand in lines for hours and hours.
Thank Good for giving me patience....please give me more..On friday I will take 6 more kids to the doctor and on monday we have to go again, so there will be many early mornings.

This week the youngest kid here (25 months) has moved into our sleepingroom during nights, because she didnt get enough sleep at the dorm with the other kids. Now she is sleeping 12 hours every nights and she is in much better health, than when she arrived last month. its been many years since we have had toddlers in our house so this is quite a change but very cosy aswell.
Dear friends, please pray for this little girl and her family, they really need your prayers.

Our weekend project with the oldest girls (8 girls) is going quite well, but it is also a bit challenging having responsability for so many teenagers. (Again..."Please Lord give me patience")Tonight we have been discussing with them if they should be able to have cell phones and facebook. If they should be alloved to use the electric washing mashine for their clothes in weekends or not. So we are trying to work with them on what is fair and what it meens to take responsability and so on.

We are facing a lot of challenges, we need to make many upgrades  at the childrens bathrooms, sleeping accomodations and school rooms and more. We also would like to give the kids better school options and our dream is to be able to send them to a christian private school because the public school far away from beeing good enough. We need to food and clothing for the kids. We need a bigger car to be able to get around whit the kids. (this weekend we were 14 people in our 7 seater...) We need vitamins and medicins, and of course we need to be able to pay salaries to our staff. But with Gods help, he has provided and we believe that he will continue on providing.

I would like to send out big hugs and gratitude to all of our sponcors and friends who are helping out:)

The view out of our citchen window. The girls dorm on the left

Two of our cool boys :)

The "school room"
Everyday our teatcher helps the kids with their homework here. But the room is small and we are planing to change our "play house" that isnt much used, into a new and better school room, play room, and computer room for the kids. So now we are trying to find ways to found this changes. We need new computers and school desks for the kids  and we are hoping for aircondition so the children can consentrate, doing their homework in the heat. This "old school room" we like to change into a storageroom. The room we now are using for empty beds, christmas decorations and much more, is going to bee the new office for The salvation Army district Paraguay.

 Cleaning day in our "private" appartement

 All of the kids need to do their tasks during the day

The young boys dorm. We are hoping to bee able to upgrade, paint and change the sleeping accomondations for the kids. These next months:)

Our "play house" That soon will be divided into more rooms, for the homework, computers and playtime.

The dorms really needs new painting on the wall, and we would like to make it more colorful, cosy and homy for the children.

Our two oldest sisters, Always smiling:)

Our daughter Moira with one of her friends at the home

For us as family, it is a bit challenging not having a dish washing mashine...when you are used to have one, it is a bit difficult to "go back"...some days its a tower of glass and dishes because all of us think that we are way to busy for doing the dish washing (but really we just are to lacy)...But after some time (days...) we all have to help out getting rid of the dish tower.

A hole in the roof at the "school room" that needs to be fixed

The kids get to practice "tai Kwondo" for free, every week. One of our boys is Paraguayn champion in his agegroup.

Some og the children ffrom "El Redil", Salvation Army children home in Asuncion, Paraguay
We are really greatful for all of  our sponcors and friend for donating money, clothes or things to the children home. If you want to help us aswell, please contact us or The Salvation Army where you live.
Blessings to you all:)
Any quiestions, please contact us at mail: ester@herinn.is or gooswilligen@frelsesarmeen.no

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